FAQ for MD’s

FAQ’s for Medical Practitioners

Numerous interviews conducted by the New England Spine Institute with medical practitioners have identified reasons why there is such separation between chiropractors and medical professionals. The most common reasons to be:

  1. There is a great variation among chiropractors and no way to predict what treatments will be provided to medical practitioners’ patients.
  2. Most medical practitioners are unfamiliar with the scope of chiropractic practice.
  3. Most medical practitioners have never spoken with a chiropractor.

ProCARE Chiropractic P.A. is committed to building integrated relationship with area medical practitioners. Dr. Scott and Dr. Molly meet often with these professionals to educate them on what we do and how we ARE a service to their patients. Our goal is to build this bridge so that patient care is heightened and health care costs are diminished. We accomplish this with:

  1. One-on-one discussions
  2. Educational lectures
  3. Newsletters
  4. Patient referrals

If you are a medical practitioner, please visit the Contact Us page and send us your questions/comments or set up a time to meet.

FAQ’s of Medical Practitioners

  1. Which patients should I consider for referral to ProCARE Chiropractic PA.?
    • Outcomes for chiropractic treatment are optimal for mechanical/myofascial cervical, thoracic
      and lumbosacral spinal pain.
    • Patients with disc herniations commonly respond favorably to chiropractic management. Our clinic
      uses a combination of traction (axial, flexion-distraction), extension therapy, and spinal stability
      rehabilitation, and posture correction aimed to unload discal stress.
    • Patients with repetitive strain conditions, carpal tunnel syndrome and thoracic outlet respond
      extremely well to our treatment protocols and have positive outcomes.

    Check out our conditions we treat and services pages for more information

  2. With so many variations of chiropractors, how does a medical practitioner identify a qualified chiropractor?•The Journal of Family Practice published the following guidelines to consider when selecting a chiropractor:
    • Willing to be clinically observed
      • We welcome observation and discussion
    • Does not radiograph every patient
      • We radiograph when clinically necessary after consultation and exam
    • Treats mainly musculoskeletal disorders
      • We specialize in these disorders.
    • Solicits positive feedback from patients
      • We give our patients satisfaction surveys so that we can improve every day
    • Communicates with the referring physician
      • We send narrative reports, exam findings, treatment plans and progress reports to every physician
    • Administers treatment programs
      • Our goal is to have the patient at maximum medical improvement (MMI) as quickly as possible
  3. For more information or questions please use our contact procare page.